Lunch Bunch - 137007

Lunch Bunch


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Activity Details

Lunch Bunch

Meeting Details

Time: 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Days: Mon - Fri
Four Freedoms Park
4818 Tarpon Court
Cape Coral, FL, 33904


Age between 4 through 5.99


Current Transaction Date after 10/24/23.

Lunch Bunch

Lunch Bunch is a 2-hour extended class for VPK students who want to eat lunch with their friends, and have a little more fun and learning time! Students bring their own lunch.
Lunch Bunch is a 2-hour extended class for VPK students who want to eat lunch with their friends, and have a little more fun and learning time! Students bring their own lunch.


Lunch Bunch (Standard Fee): $40.00
Lunch Bunch (Standard Fee): $40.00
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